Sunday, February 12, 2012

My New Hat! {2 - 12 - 2012}

Hello all! Hope everyone had a great weekend! This weekend was interesting for me. I got my haircut yesterday, spent most of the weekend playing Final Fantasy XIII-2, catching up with blogs and trying to get the bunnies all that they need. Lot of work! Oh well...

A few weeks ago, (Yes, I know I didn't post this sooner ><) I had purchased another hat from Sweet Suzette! She had an amazing batch and as soon as it was posted on  her blog, I knew I had to get it!

 Here it is all nicely packed in its box. That brown paper is the wrapper from the box xD

 I always like ordering from Sweet Suzette as she delivers things relatively quickly, packs them nicely and I'm always very happy with the quality of the things I buy from her.

Inside, I found a nicely packed set of cute things! A couple of cute Hello Kitty stickers/card. A sticker from Tangled, Sweet Suzette's card, the hat and...a ring?! I know she had said there would be something there but I didn't think it would be one of her rings! It's so cute and it made me so happy!

Isn't it a gorgeous hat? It's a lovely heart-shape with a musical theme. She makes the bases herself so a heart-shape is amazing! It's a cute little hat that has lots of pretty lace, bows and musical notes. And she even painted the keys and symbols herself! It also has a treble clef sitting beautifully on top.
There is also a cute little sparkly item sitting there. You see it? It's my special gift! A very cute cookie ring she made! Isn't it adorable? It matches so well with the hat ^-^

I love it so much! As usual, another great purchase from
Sweet Suzette! Thankies so much!

As for other news, I got my haircut yesterday! It
actually came out pretty cool!
I had it cut and styled as well as colored!
Please be sure to check it out on my
Twitter! My Haircut! ♥

Haha hope you're not too scared!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update!
Take care everyone and talk to you again on Wednesday :)
And is anyone else having trouble trying to format their
Blogger posts?
It took me nearly a day to get this post formatted the way
I want it to....

Cuddles & Kisses,

~ Kieli ~