Friday, December 16, 2011

Free Talk Fridays~

That sounds like a catchy name, doesn't it? xD

So, as promised, I am posting on Fridays as well. This day of the week is basically to talk about anything. And I do encourage people to comment or ask me questions. =3



Today I would like to talk about advertising and the necessity for clarification. I'm sure many of us by now have seen the Coca Cola commercial with the Polar Bears. In the commercial, it says that if you get a Coke with the white cap, you will be helping the gorgeous bears by donating. Now I'm not sure if I heard wrong, though I'm pretty sure I was paying attention, it's not just buying the drink and you're donating. 

It says on the bottle itself that you will see a code under the cap and you have to text that code to a certain number so that you can donate a dollar to help save the Polar Bears. That isn't how I heard it on the commercial. It made me a little upset as I thought it would at least be half of the money from buying the soda. =(

Did that happen to anyone else? What are your thoughts on this?

Until next time~

Cuddles & Kisses,

~ Kieli ~

1 comment:

  1. SOme makeup are magical. The girls really looks like other girls after the makeup.

    Ah... This never happened to me, but I can understand you.
